24-7 Headset Guarantee

December 5th, 2008

Wand Corp

Link provided by Trevor.

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The LimoLink Triple-action Formula

December 4th, 2008

“We were the first in the industry to triple-check reservations.”

One wonders if each reservation is required to be checked by a different headset wearing customer support representative. Let’s hope so.


Link provided by Charles.

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Possible Celebrity Headset Hottie

December 3rd, 2008

Ever wonder what Zachary Levi, the star of NBC’s “Chuck” was doing before he had a TV show. Wonder no more – I’ve cracked the case!

Wand Corp

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Tiny HostGator HH

December 3rd, 2008


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Heaven in a Headset and Red Button

December 2nd, 2008

Goodness, this one really speaks to me! It combines a big red button (See my other project, Instant Rimshot) and a Headset Hottie, side by side. Is someone pulling a birthday prank on me? Cause it is too good to be true.


Dutch HH provided by Jonathan.

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